External final project evaluation “Switch off air pollution”, Mongolia
Geres is implementing the “Energy efficiency advisory and financial intermediation for sustainable housing in unplanned areas of Ulaanbaatar project” (Switch Off Air Pollution). The project is part of a wider SWITCH program portfolio funded by the European Commission with priority to support to switch to sustainable consumption patterns and behaviour amongst consumer groups, civil society stakeholders and in the public sector.
The general objectives of the Evaluation are to measure Relevance, Coherence, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact and Sustainability of the intervention following OECD’s DAC Development Evaluation criteria and guidelines as well as highlighting current project achievements.
The Evaluator(s) will:
• Assess the relevance of the project objectives and results in relation with priorities and needs of policy objectives, plans of national and local governments, the donor agency and the needs of target groups and beneficiaries (ownership, alignment);
• Assess the effectiveness of the projects in terms of results and progress
• Assess the efficiency of implementation (results achieved per inputs and budgets);
• Assess the feasibility in terms of design, scope, implementation, management and steering, highlighting current project achievements, and develop final conclusions, recommendations on the likelihood that projects will achieve desired outcomes given the project design and the implementation experience
• Assess the sustainability of the project results beyond the end of the project together with potential for uptake and/or replication for the 2nd phase.
Additionally, Geres expects a specific focus on a qualitative evaluation of the impact of the intervention, looking at the long-term prospects in terms of sustainable development, income generation, social benefits and proposing recommendations for further improvements in strategic programming.
To this end, the Evaluator will also provide recommendations based on factual, critical and solid analysis in order to further strengthen the outputs/outcomes post-project. The evaluation will propose a disaggregated analysis of the results, effects and impacts (distinction between gender – male/female).
Application requirements
Applications must be sent before 04/20/2022 at 6pm (French time) to the following address: e.jarry@geres.eu
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